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How to break through limiting beliefs

Updated: Jul 2, 2023

We all have beliefs that hold us back. It could be a belief about our abilities, our relationships, money or something else. These beliefs are often formed when we are young and don't reflect who we are at all as adults.

If you want to break through limiting beliefs so you can achieve your full potential, there are some steps you can take:

Take control of your thoughts

The first step in breaking through limiting beliefs is changing the way you think. It’s not enough to recognize your limiting belief and acknowledge it—you also have to change your interpretation of reality.

To do this, ask yourself: When I do X, what happens? Does Y tend to happen a lot? Do I feel Z? Once you understand how your current situation plays out and what emotions are associated with it, try writing down two or three new ways for things to play out instead. For example, if one of your beliefs is “I'm not good enough” and another is “I don't deserve success/love/happiness/etc.,” write down some other ways things could go instead: How would my life be different if I was confident in myself? What would it look like if everything went my way? What would happen if I did get love from someone else (or got accepted into an amazing program)? Once you've written down these new possibilities, take some time away from them so that they sink into your mind—and then revisit them every day!

Define what you want

To overcome limiting beliefs, you have to define what you want.

If your goal is big enough and important enough (like starting a business or training for a marathon), then it can be helpful to break it down into smaller steps that are easier to accomplish. In this example, those smaller goals could include:

  • Write down what you want to achieve

  • Make a list of all the things you want to do

  • Explain why this is important

Explore the thought behind your belief

The first step in breaking through your limiting beliefs is to explore the thought behind your belief.

When you look at a limiting belief, what is the thought that is limiting you? What are the consequences of this belief? How does this belief affect your life? How does this belief affect your decision making?

Discover how this belief began

When you discover the roots of your limiting belief, it's easier to understand why it has such a strong hold on you. For example, if you've always believed that people will leave you if they get to know you better, this might be a result of an experience where someone left in the past. Maybe they moved away or had something come up and couldn't keep spending time with you.

When we look at experiences like these through more positive lenses, we can see them as part of growing up. After all, moving away from friends is part of life! Of course, some people may not want to spend as much time with us later on down the road when there are other obligations or interests that take precedence over our friendship (or love) relationship(s). But even so—the fact remains: humans move around for many different reasons throughout their lives and don't always have control over how often or when they meet up again with someone else who lives across town from them today versus tomorrow morning when it's time for work.*

Begin something new

  • Start small. Instead of setting a goal for yourself that you think will be too easy to achieve, start with something you know you can do and build from there. This way, even if your initial attempt doesn't turn out as well as expected, it's still an accomplishment.

  • Give yourself timeframes - and stick to them! The best intentions often fall by the wayside when things get busy or life gets in the way. When this happens, keep your goals in mind: write them down somewhere; set reminders on your phone; check in with yourself every day. Giving yourself specific deadlines will help keep your focus on what needs to get done so that nothing falls through the cracks during those busy weeks/months/years ahead of us all.* Be realistic about how much time and effort is needed for each task at hand so that you aren't overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations.* Don't be afraid to ask for help when needed - and don't be afraid of failure!

Continue to follow through

At this point, you're probably feeling pretty good about yourself. You've made some great progress by learning how to recognize your limiting beliefs and evaluating them from a new perspective. But it's important not to stop there: continue taking action on this knowledge!

Don't get stuck in the same old patterns you've always used before—keep trying new things, challenging yourself with more difficult situations, and learning as much as possible about what happens when you do so. Continue moving forward until all of your limiting beliefs have been dissolved or at least minimized enough that they no longer affect your life as much.

You can overcome self-limiting beliefs by taking action.

The most effective way to change self-limiting beliefs is to take action. But you can't just change your beliefs without taking action and seeing the results of your actions. For example, if you believe that exercise is exhausting and boring, you might not be motivated to go for a run or hit the gym. If this is true for you and your limiting belief keeps holding you back from exercising, then it's time to take action: start going on walks around the block every day! You'll see firsthand how good it feels (and how much energy it gives) when you do small but consistent workouts like these.

Now that we understand how important taking action is in overcoming limiting beliefs, let's look at how we can implement these ideas into our daily lives so that they stick with us long term.

By taking inspired action, you can break through self-limiting beliefs.


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